First release candidate for openSUSE 12.3
With little more than a month to go before the arrival of openSUSE 12.3, the developers have anounced the first release candidate of the Linux distribution which will update the KDE environment to KDE 4.10, GNOME 3.6 and a Linux Kernel 3.7.6. The kernel package includes a number of driver fixes and a fix for a bug that disabled RC6 power saving after a suspend. The update also sees the previously reported switch from MySQL to MariaDB implemented.
As well as a large number of fixes since the beta, there are also a number of other changes. PackageKit is updated to version 0.8.7 where it has been rewritten to get better performance through parallelised transactions. Apper 0.8 is also rewritten around PackageKit with the software update notifier now implemented as a plasmoid. An updated postfix corrects bugs in both pattern matching and IPv6 support, WebYaST "finally works" on 12.3 in the release candidate but needs more testing, and Samba 3.6.12 is included as Samba 4 missed the deadline for inclusion.
Further details are available in the release announcement . The release candidate can be downloaded from the project's download page.