German company will continue to update Ruby on Rails 2.3
If, despite the upcoming release of the web framework Ruby on Rails 4.0, users are not interested in giving up version 2.3, they can look to a German company for support. In future, Makandra will provide security updates for Ruby 2.3.x. As announced a few months ago, the Rails developers will officially no longer provide support for that version once Ruby on Rails 4.0 is launched; only Ruby 3.2.x and later versions will continue to receive updates.
The Rails team has already recommended Makandra's commercial support for Rails 2.3.x. The company is offering three paid packages under the name Rails LTS – Rails Long Term Support. Free community support will also still be available but entails a ten-day delay for patches, Makandra says.
Ruby on Rails 4.0 should be out later this month. A spokesperson for Makandra told The H's associates at heise Security that there has been some interest in Rails 3.0 and 3.1; if the demand is great enough, the company will also offer forks for those versions.