Google creates Android team in Taiwan
According to Chien Lee-feng, president of Google Taiwan, Google has established an Android team in Taiwan to provide support for smartphones. The only Android based device currently in commercial release is the T-mobile G1 smartphone built by HTC, which is also based in Taiwan.
It's likely that the open source mobile phone operating system group will not only support smartphones, but also netbooks. As Android is based on Linux, there is no reason why it could not grow into a full Linux distribution for use on netbooks and tablet devices.
At the beginning of the year, writers at VentureBeat got Android running on their Asus EEE PC. Recently Asus announced that they would release an EEE PC netbook running Google's Android operating system by the end of the year. However, Asus has not yet provided a release date or officially announced the hardware specifications.
See also:
- Touch Book: Linux based touch screen device announced, a report from The H.
- Archos intends to develop an Android Tablet, a report from The H.
- Android 1.1 released, a report from The H.
- Unofficial Port of Android Comes to Nokia's N810, a report from The H.