HBase, Node.js and nginx top enterprise open source trends
After examining adoption of popular and new open source projects that enterprises use as their core infrastructure, OpenLogic has issued its 2011 trending report. It says the five projects that are showed the biggest gains in adoption over 2011 are Apache HBase, Node.js, nginx, Apache Hadoop and Rails.
Breaking down by category, in the application server/web server arena, the JavaScript-based event driven server platform Node.js and the high concurrency, small footprint web server nginx were the top trends with Apache Tomcat and Apache HTTP Server maintaining their adoption rates and JBoss and GlassFish trending downwards. In frameworks, the Ruby-based web framework Rails is trending up, with level trends for Spring, Grails and Struts.
Databases and "big data" saw the MapReduce distributed computing platform Apache Hadoop and Apache HBase, the distributed column-oriented database built on top of it, both trending up alongside MongoDB, the document-oriented NoSQL database. MySQL and PostgreSQL were level in trending, while CouchDB appeared to adopt a downward trend.
OpenLogic's methodology sees the enterprise open source support and services company evaluating trends from public data such as Google search volumes and data from its own OLEX system including search volume, views of packages, downloads, requests within corporations, and matches to projects found during source and binary scans of enterprise projects. It also includes aggregated data on companies purchasing support contracts for projects and analyses applications running on its CloudSwing platform-as-a-service.