Open Recall: Bodhi Linux, Scientific Linux and Mageia Beta
Source: Jeff Hoogland
Open Recall is a space on The H for those things that are too small to package as news, but are worth covering. In this edition: catching up with the releases that happened over the long Easter weekend, including Mageia 3 beta 4, Scientific Linux 6.4 and Bodhi Linux 2.3.0.
- Bodhi Linux 2.3.0 – The latest release of Bodhi Linux updates its Linux kernel to version 3.8, its Enlightenment desktop environment to version 0.17.1 and introduces a number of new default themes. However, Bodhi Linux 2.3.0 is a minor update and as such, users can upgrade their systems with the apt-get package manager. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the Bodhi Linux wiki. The distribution is available with and without a PAE-enabled 32-bit kernel and for 64-bit systems.
- Scientific Linux 6.4 – Following the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.4 from the end of February, Scientific Linux 6.4 has been released by the developers at Fermilab and CERN. Users of the RHEL clone should run
yum clean expire-cache
to allow their systems to perform an upgrade with the updated packages, provided they are using the SL6x repository which now points at the packages for Scientific Linux 6.4
- Mageia 3 beta 4 – The developers of the community-led Mandriva fork Mageia have announced the release of the fourth beta of version 3 of their distribution. After several delays in its development cycle, Mageia 3 is currently scheduled to be released on 3 May; the original plan was for it to arrive on 20 March. This latest beta includes almost all of the new look for the final release and 32- and 64-bit dual DVD and CD images are now available. Live ISO images are also being prepared but were not ready at the time of writing. The developers are calling on users to test the release thoroughly and report any bugs they find.
- Apache Pig 0.11.1 – Released on 1 April, Apache Pig 0.11.1 delivers a maintenance release for the Hadoop extension for data analysis. Apache Pig is a high level language and infrastructure for analysing large data sets that works with Hadoop 0.20.x, 0.23.x, 1.x and 2.x.
- Apache Accumulo 1.4.3 – The developers of the distributed key/value store Apache Accumulo have released version 1.4.3 of their software. The release improves the documentation of the project and fixes a number of bugs, including packaging problems on Debian. Apache Accumulo can be downloaded from the Apache Software Foundation web site.