MongoDB 1.4 "Ready for Production"
The MongoDB developers have announced the release of version 1.4.0 of their open source, scalable, document oriented database. The developers say that three months of work has seen the new version "thoroughly vetted" by both regression tests and real users. With MonogoDB 1.3 already being in production use by many developers, rigorous testing has assumed greater importance.
The 1.4 release sees enhancements to the server, replication, deployment and query language. The server has improved concurrency and the ability to create indexes in the background. Replication enhancements include better restarting of offline slaves, fast new slaves created from snapshots and clock skew fixes. Other enhancements include the ability to use regular expressions with the $all query language operator and 2D Geospatial searching.
Release notes for the new version are available, as is a detailed change log. MongoDB Version 1.4 is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL 3.0 (AGPL3) and is available to download for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.