Ruby framework Sinatra reaches version 1.0
Sinatra, the Ruby based web framework, has reached version 1.0. Sinatra is a domain-specific language (DSL) for writing web applications in Ruby. It has become popular with developers for allowing, in only a few lines of code, the creation of REST web services. The canonical example, Hello World, in Sinatra, is
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/hi'
"Hello World!"
Which would respond when the URI /hi was accessed. Sinatra 1.0, described by the developers as mature and super-solid, has seen the extension API stabilised and now uses Tilt to handle the various template engines available for Ruby developers. The H's editor in chief has been using Sinatra and finds it a very compact and quick way to create web services and local web applications. A full change log details all the changes made in the 1.0 release. Sinatra is made available under an MIT Licence.